Archive for June, 2002

CHRISTIANSEN “Forensics Brothers and Sisters!”

Sometimes bands stay consistent over a career and keep putting out the same release, and others seem to take the path of CHRISTIANSEN, who go for the utter destruction of the uses of genre labels. Fortunately, their newly found sound isn’t all that strange to some of their contemporaries (…AND YOU WILL KNOW US BY [...]

CAESURA “More Specific, Less Pacific”

Even before listening to this disc, I knew I was in for something cool since the artwork is very involved. CAESURA are on the heavier side of indie rock with a sound that bites a bit from AT THE DRIVE IN and FUGAZI with spastic vocals, chunky guitars, and a booming low-end sound. The drums [...]

COUNT ME OUT “Permenant”

When it comes to considering the best of the best among current bands playing that “straight-edge, old-school hardcore with modern production” sound, COUNT ME OUT, have aligned themselves clearly with those at the top. Although the band’s discography is fairly minimal over their few years of existence, and probably contains no more than an hour [...]

CONTENDER “Away Wity Words”

Although my tastes in music are widely varied, if there’s a certain particular sound that I’m always a sucker for when done well, it’s hardcore with catchy, aggressive, melodic vocals. So it shouldn’t be any surprise to anyone that bands like BAD RELIGION, THRICE, AVAIL, and H20 are all on my good side (even though [...]


Having no previous familiarity of this band prior to getting this release in the mail, I was rather curious as to what was contained wherein. The stark but smooth artwork hinted at a cold feeling, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. CELEBRITY rock in that post-hardcore kind of way that’s more aligned with [...]

CAMBER “Wake Up and Be Happy”

To say that CAMBER creates catchy music is an understatement. Since listening to this disc for the first time in my portable CD player, I have found myself humming the melodies and almost subconsciously quoting lyrics in my everyday speech. The diverse array of songs on “Wake Up and Be Happy” range from hard-driving, distorted [...]

THE COMMON PLACE “Every Forgotten Year”

This disc is like a big cotton bag with five frustrated monkeys stuck inside. With the removal of each monkey, you honestly have no idea what to expect from the monkey once it’s removed from the bag. That said, this is a five song EP (23 minutes) that is crammed with loads of variety and [...]

CODESEVEN “The Rescue”

CODESEVEN have been a “buzz” band of sorts lately in hardcore circles, but are still not a band that seems to be too “hip with the kids.” Their previous full length, “Division of Labor” was an extraordinarily original take on the metallic hardcore sound and unfortunately, I don’t think these guys ever got the kind [...]