TERRITORY – “Sic Temper Tyrannis”

On the “Likes / Dislikes” musical chart of my life, the INTEGRITY/”Holy Terror” collective of bands started firmly on the dislike side when I was a teen, as I was generally fearful of bands with fans that were seemingly enthralled with physical violence (and long sleeves). But a migration to the “likes” side started more than a decade ago, and as scenes and genres have shifted, I’ve come regard this sound as one of the best amalgams of metal and hardcore ever created. TERRITORY’s debut full-length Sic Temper Tyrannis is about as pure an ode to this sound as one will hear from a contemporary band without the whole thing sounding like a charade.  The full-length itself is brief and raucous, not counting for a three minute interlude track towards the end, which can be summed up as simply being creepy. But the guts of Temper are made up of sumptous chugging guitars, rolling double-bass/cymbal combinations, and crafty shouted/howled vocals.  Opener “Triumph of My Will” is arguably the album’s best song, but the next six songs, all under two minutes, gel together to form sort of a 10-11 minute rapid fire metallic hardcore jam session. In that batch, the circle-pit friendly, 90 second romp “Three”, pushes the band to its limits. Although this release is on the great (and still) up-and-coming Escapist Records, it’d fit right in with the roster of A389 or Deathwish, and I’m sure that’s a compliment both band and label can understand.
