First of all, it should be noted that I am writing this review from approximately 33,000 feet in the air, courtesy of Virgin America’s in-flight WiFi. I love technology! And it seems somehat apropos that I am writing about thunderous band like TORCHE while two massive jet engines roar outside my window. The main difference being that being close to TORCHE results in what my friends like to call “bangover”, while being close to jet engines results in instant death.

TORCHE “touched down” (airplane puns, haha!) this past week at DC’s Rock & Roll hotel, the first time as a three-piece since guitarist Juan Montoya left the band. However, there was something about the band this time around, almost as though a weight had been lifted from their shoulders. Playing as a three-piece clearly agrees with them and they are enjoying being on tour with each other and having fun playing their songs. While the songs don’t sound remarkably different without a second guitarist, the energy that they are giving off on-stage now makes seeing TORCHE a priority for any fan of heavy music.

The set ran the gamut from the band’s first self-titled album to their current beast of an album, Meanderthal. Selections from Meanderthal included crowd favorites such as “Healer”, “Across the Shields”, and my personal favorite, “Fat Waves.” It was also during this song where it was made crystal clear to me how much fun singer/guitarist Steve Brooks is having now. He noticed that I was rocking out with my arms in the air during”Fat Waves” and responded with an ear-to-ear grin and tongue waggle that looked more impish than demonic. As an added bonus for all the fans, the band performed FLOOR’s “Scimitar”, a song by Brooks’ old band on No Idea Records. That song was performed by audience request and was something that I’ve never seen them do despite the fact that audiences have requested it at past shows. Furthermore, as though things could not get heavier, the band played the absolutely monstrous “Tarpit Carnivore” from their In Return EP towards the end of the set, and the venue’s foundation was shaking to its core…

All said and done, TORCHE is out there having fun and they have not lost their edge. Should they be coming to your neck of the woods on this tour, do yourself a solid and check them out, whether you’ve never seen them before or if this is your 5th time in several years. One way or the other, you are guaranteed to walk out of the venue with some serious bangover.