Revolver Streaming New BATTLECROSS Record

From the inbox:

Today, Revolver Magazine hosts a worldwide premiere of BATTLECROSS’s upcoming full-length debut Pursuit of Honor, scheduled to hit North American record shelves on August 2nd. Pursuit of Honor contains 11 tracks (10 songs plus intro) that Metal Assault says are “bristling with fist-pumping, face-melting heavy metal at its finest.” While Metal Sucks notes “Guitarists Tony Asta and Hiran Deraniyagala of Detroit’s BATTLECROSS are childhood friends just like Axl and Vince — ain’t that cute? But for realz, there’s a certain kind of chemistry that comes with knowing someone for so long, and in the case of BATTLECROSS you can hear it in the tightness, conciseness and stellar riffery of their MB debut Pursuit of Honor.”

“Our mindset was to deliver a no bulls***, straight to the point, bang your head, relentless punishment kind of record. I want this album to give people chills. Like driving 90 in a 40 mph speed zone and not even realizing it. We want people to feel like they can take on the world after listening to this record” comments the band of the record.

You can stream the release here.

- Oh the shreddery!