REIGN SUPREME – “Testing The Limits of Infinite”

Reign Supreme have always been a band I’ve felt torn about.  It seems with each aspect of their band I absolutely love, there’s an equally as disappointing aspect as well.  Without listing all the band’s pros and cons, I will say their music continually impresses me, but I’ve seen singer Jay Pepito throw more on-stage temper tantrums than a kindergarten class.

For all the reasons I have to ignore this band and all they do, they’ve just released this incredible album, making such a position next to impossible.  Packing a punch similar to late ’90s hardcore acts like Indecision and Strife while still maintaining a forward-thinking approach to songwriting, Reign Supreme might just have one of the best new hardcore releases, musically at least, in recent memory.  While the lyrics leave a little to be desired, overall it’s not only impressive in progress since their previous EP, but also the improved recording quality adds an even heavier feel.

So, while my internal struggle over how to feel about this band persists, I will continue to spin this album on repeat.