Notable AOL Music / Spinner Streams

- As the calendar year winds down towards its final eight or so weeks, the new release crew gets thinner, but this week includes an epic winner in the first CASKET LOTTERY full-length in nine years. Not only is it great to hear new music from the band again, but in the time between, they’ve shifted they’ve gone heavier and the guitars and bass bristle with aggression. Love it. ALL THAT REMAINS still straddle that line between wants-to-be-radio-friendly-so-hard and ‘oh yea, we can still do the thrash metal thing’. That line will not get any easier to balance fellas. WHILE SHE SLEEPS is a dumb band name. Why are we left hanging? What are you doing while she sleeps? Making pancakes? Folding laundry? Yea. I bet it’s laundry.