Not the kind of inspiration I was looking for, but oh well. Musings from undereath the rubber lining that makes up the frozen kiddie pool…

1) Today was the first time that I got totally burnt out on law school. I knew it was bound to happen sometime. Amazingly, there was something strangely cathartic in hurling a 45 page packet of paper across the bedroom, spreading sheets of white everywhere. Sure, it didn't help solve my writer's block, but it was better than staring blankly at my problems.


2) I'm really proud of the new MOVIELIFE interview that was added to the site today. I've read too many interviews from bands where the members seem like they hardly give a shit about talking about their music, their attitude towards touring, etc. I think everyone in a band should read this one, and maybe let it soak in that people are passionate about what you, as a band member are doing, and showing exhuberance and excitement about being in a band is highly appreciated by your fans. Thanks Vinnie!


3) I bought more dumplings today. I am awesome.


4) I went to this cool tavern in Georgetown last night. The place seemed really old. I bet the wooden seat I sat on was probably 100 years old. That amazes me.


5) ANDREW WK should have played the Grammys. The people in the audience really need to learn how to party hard.


6) The new WATERDOWN cd, "The Files You Have On Me," (Victory) is excellent. I really dug their US debut, "Never Kill The Boy On The First Date," and this one shows and even more expansive hardcore sound. Definitely a band to look out for.


7) Man, I can't wait to eat those dumplings…