New HANDS TIED EP Pre-Order Launched

From the inbox:

Friday, July 30th (at roughly 2PM EST) marks the launch of pre-order’s for HANDS TIED’s Through The Wreckage EP. Originally formed in 1996 after the disbanding of MOUTHPIECE, HANDS TIED delivered classic, in-your-face straight edge hardcore that echoed the spirit and delivery of pioneers such as DYS, UNIFORM CHOICE, and YOUTH OF TODAY. With a 1996 seven inch EP released on Equal Vision Records, the band played up and down the East Coast and toured Europe before abruptly ending their run—just as the band was getting into high gear. Over a decade later, HANDS TIED has returned with a “right-where-they-left-off” two song EP of anthemic blasts that will have you stage diving and moshing in no time—proving that the flame still burns. With a discography LP in the works and a summer of shows on the east coast, it’s clear that this band is back on the map.

Details for the pre-order (to be handled by are here. All pre-orders come with an immediate song download.

- I love the classic youth crew hardcore cover art. Tempted to order the EP, but I’m holding out for the discography LP.