MUNICIPAL WASTE Release Troma Video Clip For “Headbanger Face Rip”

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Fresh from watching Virginian crossover-thrashers MUNICIPAL WASTE wreak carnage at this summer’s European festivals, fans can now exclusively catch a glimpse of the new video for the track “Headbanger Face Rip” online now. The track, taken from the latest release The Art Of Partying was filmed by the legendary 80s cult splatter/horror independent film company Troma Entertainment and features such Troma characters as the Toxic Avenger and Kabukiman.

Prepare to be “Tromatised” all over again here:

TV Version :

OVER 18: Gore Version : (NSFW)

The video features on YouTube in two separate versions, which include a TV-friendly version and Troma’s genre-defining, all-out gore-tastic take on “Headbanger Face Rip,” which involves blood, guts and the legendary Troma-style shlock horror effects.

Founded by Lloyd Kaufman in 1974, Troma are famed worldwide for their genre-defining B-movie style shock flicks, that specialise in graphic violence, political satire and a bizarre sense of humour. Having produced classics such as “The Toxic Avenger”, “Class Of Nuke Em High” and “Sgt Kabukiman, NYPD”, Troma’s splatter-style visuals fit perfectly alongside Municipal Waste’s colourful, high-energy Thrash assault.

- Holy Maximum Awesomeness!! Definitely watch the “Gore” version before it gets yanked from YouTube. I will never look at a floor mop again without feeling the need to engage in the ultimate shred.