Milo Aukerman (DESCENDENTS) “Throbblehead” Annouced

DESCENDENTS fans take note – Aggronautix has detailed the upcoming Milo Aukerman “throbblehead,” a toy that should raise the hackles of punk rock nerds everywhere. Below is the product write-up and an image of the thing. Pre-orders are now available here.

“Milo, the charismatic frontman of THE DESCENDENTS, is now available in Throbblehead form. This fella is limited to 1000 numbered units, stands at 7 inches tall, and is made of a lightweight polyresin. Displayed in a tri-windowed box, here Milo is accurately sculpted right down to the nerd glasses and bitchin’ stage stance.”

Milo joins GG Allin, Tesco Vee, and Blag and HeWhoCannotBeNamed from DWARVES as part of Aggronautix’s throbblehead series.

- “Somebody give me a book!”