MeWithoutYou Without Bassist

MeWithoutYou has split with bassist Daniel Steven Pishock. Pishock issued a statement on the band’s website:

“”I regret to inform all of you that I, Daniel Steven Pishock, am leaving the band ‚ÄúmewithoutYou‚Äù as of…….well, now. I have come to a point in my life that I feel that I have done all that I possibly can with ‚ÄúmewithoutYou,‚Äù and I am ready to move on to pursue another adventure. I was with the band for over three years and I‚Äôm so thankful for all the opportunities and blessings that were given to me during this time period. The guys in the band are amazing individuals, and I feel honored to have worked and to know all of them. They are now and always have been, first and foremost, friends and now a family so obviously they‚Äôre no hard feelings or tension or anything like that. It is just my time to move on. “”

The band recently released Catch Us for the Foxes.