MARITIME (ex-PROMISE RING) Signs to Flameshovel; Album Expected in April

From the inbox:

“”We’re stoked as hell to announce that Flameshovel will be releasing the new album from MARITIME on April 4th. We, The Vehicles, the second album from the collective of Davey von Bohlen, Dan Didier [both formerly of The Promise Ring] and Eric Axelson [formerly of Dismemberment Plan], is a triumphant realization of Maritime’s unlabored goal and an occasional turn toward the darker, denser corners of years past. That’s right: We, The Vehicles isn’t all sunshine and bubbles. MARITIME remains solidly tethered to pop perfection, but has taken space to let that pop cycle through all its permutations. MARITIME may have a collective history to both cling to and run from, but with We, The Vehicles, the band steps forcefully into its own. More than a side project or an “”ex-members of,”" it proves beyond a doubt that this is something viable and vital on its own.”"

- I really enjoyed MARITIME’s debut “”Glass Floor”" which had a knack for flying under the radar. I hope that “”We, The Vehicles”" is awarded some more attention.