I Saw None More Black Tonight

And they killed it.

I don’t know if that says much, but NONE MORE BLACK were so on, so energetic, that even when they jammed too much and lost the song, the crowd laughed with them. Such a good time, Jason, Colin and company are supremely enegetic. Fun? Oh, you bet.

Saying a great time was had by all really doesn’t do the performance justice. It may have been to 50 kids in a college town, but NONE MORE BLACK played with the kind of emotion to fill venues 100 times the size.

And the material on This is Satire? Wonderful to hear, they rock like AGAINST ME! on it. The highlight of the set for me had to be the opener of “Oh, There’s Legwork”, and I don’t mean that in detrement to the rest of their set.

Go see NONE MORE BLACK if they come through your neck of the woods.