GODS enters studio to record Hand of Hope debut!

From the inbox:

GODS is entering the studio with Andreas Magnusson for seventeen days to record their yet to be titled debut album for Hand Of Hope Records. It is said that it will include fourteen tracks. The album is set for a March 22nd, 2005 release.

Doll House Recordings will be re-releasing the five song GODS EP just in time for their January tour. The band has also added a new guitar player to their line-up. His name is Alan.

GODS will also be on the Hxcmp3.com Tour with All Else Failed, Society’s Finest, The Minor Times, and Things Fall Apart. The tour runs throughout January and into February.

- These guys are pretty good; heavy, melodic, atmospheric, post-hardcore with the propensity to bust out some monster riffs. Check out two songs at their pureVOLUME page.