First Issue of Legendary Flipside Magazine scanned; memories revisted

This is a pretty incredible story… this morning posted a link to person who scanned the entire first issue of the famous LA punk zine, Flipside, which was released in 1977. I didn’t get into reading Flipside until the mid 90s, and for awhile, it was without a doubt, the most exciting thing I had ever focused my teenage eyes upon. While the images that became familar to me while getting into NYHC were often shrouded around anti-social attitudes and themes of that nature, Flipside’s LA focus was far more varied, and duly committed to the sex, drugs, and rock n’roll lifestyle that was so festively celebrated. From the post: “Within the 1977 issue you’ll find reviews of the first Clash and Jam records, Germs and Venus And The Razorblades singles and an interview with Eulogy.” The original link to this story came from the always excellent blog, Check out the Flipside issue here. When Flipside finally ended around 2000, Razorcake rose out of the ashes with many of Flipside’s longtime contributors.