Checking In With: CAVIL AT REST

(1) You guys are very much alive at this point. You’ve got four new demos streaming and hopes to get out and tour this year. My question: What took you guys so long?!?

The end of 2005 and most of 2006 was pretty hard for us because of our consistent lack of members. We parted ways with our original drummer and it took almost a year to find a suitable replacement (his name is Matt and he looks like a “Who” from whoville, we love him), and so once we finally did solidify a line-up, one of our guys did a stint studying abroad, so without a full band it was hard to write, perform; pretty much do most things a band does. But now that we’re all together things are moving very nicely.

(2) Since I first heard your three-song EP a while back, CAVIL AT REST has always stood out as a band that I ask myself, “Why aren’t these guys signed?” Can we expect you guys to finally align yourselves with a record label in 2007?

There are a lot of things we hope will happen in 2007, but getting signed isn’t necessarily one of them. We want time to grow together as a band and work on our songs and overall sound, while trying to just get as many people behind what we’re trying to do. We used to think that getting signed was the answer to all of our problems, but the reality is that there is plenty you can do without the aid of a label. Don’t get me wrong, we’d love to sign to the label of our dreams, but we’re in no hurry. We’ve heard too many horror stories of bands that jump at the first sign of a contract and just get ruined. We want to be careful with how we start because we want to make careers out of this. We all want to do this the rest of our lives.

(3) As of now, you’ve got no full-length out there. Will 2007 be the year you guys find yourselves with a stable line-up and a chance to release a full-length?

No matter what happens, we feel like 2007 is going to be a huge year for us. We definitely found a stable line-up, and we’ve been pumping out songs at a much faster rate than we ever have before. As far as a full length is concerned, we have plenty of songs for one, it’s just a matter of when. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had something by the end of this year. But I think our biggest goal for 2007 is just to get in as many ears as possible. Once we’re in, then we’ll see if we can coax the brain into telling the body that it feels good. Or at least into doing good deeds, if nothing else.

-The above questionnaire was answered by the band’s frontman, Kelcey Ayer. CAVIL AT REST are a Mission Viejo-based quintet and have released two EPs up this point, Cavil at Rest and Apples To Oranges. Songs from the band’s upcoming release, Orion Way, can be heard at