Century Media Inks FEAR MY THOUGHTS

From the inbox:

Century Media is extremely proud to welcome German melodic thrash powerhouse FEAR MY THOUGHTS to its worldwide family. The group’s last two albums, The Great Collapse and Hell Sweet Hell (Lifeforce), garnered critical acclaim throughout Europe and, along with their relentless touring, helped them solidify a die-hard fanbase. Their sound incorporates elements spanning the entire musical spectrum, successfully bridging the gap between the metal and hardcore genres and creating a vicious hybrid built on speed and aggression that is bound to catch the entire scene’s attention.

FEAR MY THOUGHTS are currently mixing Vulcanus, their Century Media debut, with acclaimed producer Jacob Hansen (Aborted, Hatesphere) in Denmark. Patrick Hagmann (guitars) checks in with the following studio report; ‚ÄúHey there, we’re still in the Jacob Hansen Studios in Denmark, working on the final mix for our new album. If you’re into blast beats and Deep Purple Hammond organs, you’ll probably like what we’re doing! Expect some more melody, some experimentation but also some old-school thrash vibes.‚Äù

“We’re excited to announce that we have signed a worldwide deal with Century Media Records. The label has always hosted bands we love, from one of the very first CM releases from our local buddies Poltergeist to their current roster with great influential bands like Nevermore, Napalm Death, Celtic Frost and The Haunted. We’re excited for things to come, and grateful for having one of the best labels in the world as our partners in crime. Thanks for believing in us, and thanks to all the people who brought us where we are today.”

link: fearmythoughts.com

- I have both of the band’s Lifeforce Records releases and while there’s no doubt that FEAR MY THOUGHTS are impressive musicians, the keep getting stuck with albums that have very cold and sterile recording styles. Maybe it’s just a German metalcore thing (e.g. CALIBAN and HEAVEN SHALL BURN), but here’s hoping that Vulcanus has a bit more a natural feel.