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Orange County transplants THE DEAR AND DEPARTED will release their Science Records debut Something Quite Peculiar on May 22.

After relocating from Australia and New Zealand to life behind the Orange Curtain, singer Dan Under, guitarist Simon O‚ÄôGorman and drummer Joel Bourne slept on couches and in vans while seeing ‚Äúsure thing” record deals fall apart before teaming up with guitarist Darren Parkinson and bassist David Williams to form the band.

Mixing a dark aesthetic and an esoteric approach with punk and new wave influences, the band has more in common with THE CURE, THE CHURCH and SISTERS OF MERCY than other bands hailing from the 714 area code.

The band teamed up with NINE INCH NAILS drummer Chris Vrenna, whose production resume includes U2 and SMASHING PUMPKINS, to produce their debut album. AFI’s Jade Puget also came onboard to help with additional production.

Look for THE DEAR AND DEPARTED rocking the Hurley Stage on the Vans Warped Tour this summer.