Archive for May, 2005

Goodbye and thanks: Josh @ Hopeless

I’d like to use this page as an opportunity to wish Josh from Hopeless the best of luck as he leaves the company to pursue other endeavors. He’s been a friend to me and the rest of the Pastepunk staff. Thanks and take care Josh!

Spotlight on: MAGIC BULLETS

Honestly, I can’t stop listening to this band. I usually hate indie rock that I would consider hipster, but this band does it in such a catchy and polished way. Vice Magazine, Merge Records, and Coachella should be jumping on this. Robert Smith type vocals over an upbeat indie sound. Listen to some songs on their Myspace site.

NUMBER ONE FAN “Compromises”

Are you too strapped for cash to purchase the entire JIMMY EAT WORLD discography? NUMBER ONE FAN have the perfect solution – purchase their full-length “Compromises,” and get a virtual sampler of JIMMY EAT WORLD’s most celebrated moments! Buy now before emo isn’t cool anymore! Now that the mandatory cynicism is out of the way, [...]

Album of the Day

EMBRACE THE END – Counting Hallways To The Left (Abacus)

- Here’s another upcoming Abacus release that will surely turn some heads. This Sacramento six-piece, featuring members of FIRST BLOOD and KILLING THE DREAM, cranks out some seriously rippin’ extreme/brutal metalcore. They sort of remind me of a cross between TORN APART and BUNRT BY THE SUN. The album’s out on June 28th.

New SATANIC SURFERS Demo Track is reporting that Sweden’s SATANIC SURFERS are currently recording their 7th full-length release, which will be released by Bad Taste Records in September. The group has posted a demo mp3 of the song “”Callousness”" right here. The sound quality isn’t amazing, but of course, it is only a demo. For those interested in further details relating to the course of the band’s recording, they’ve got a study diary going on.


“Behold… The Incredible Powers of GOOGLEZON!”

A pretty fascinating column has been posted here discussing some of the theoretical issues that copyright law and new media might battle in the coming years – and these go well beyond the current debate about online file-sharing of music and movies. Part of the column is devoted to discussion about a short flash movie presents the following scenario:

The year 2007 sees the advent of a service – the Microsoft-owned, Friendster-derived Newsbotster – that “”ranks and sorts news, based on what each user’s friends and colleagues are reading and viewing and ‚Ķ allows everyone to comment on what they see.”"

But as of 2008, Newsboster has a competitor: Googlezon, formed by the merger of Google and Amazon. To form this titan, Google supplies (among other things) “”unparalled search technology,”" while Amazon supplies “”the social recommendation engine and its huge commercial infrastructure.”"

Googlezon uses this combined “”detailed knowledge of every user’s social network, demographics, consumption habits and interests to provide total customization of content — and advertising.”" (Presumably, this “”content”" includes content from the superior future version of the current day, real-life Google News.)

In 2010, Googlezon wins its fight with Newsbotser by inventing a clever new technique that further tailors content to the user: “”Googlezon’s computers construct news stories dynamically, stripping sentences and facts from all content sources and recombining them. The computer writes a [personalized] news story for every user.”"

… in 2011, the New York Times and other media whose content is not customized to the user go the Supreme Court, “”claiming that [Googlezon's] fact-stripping robots are a violation of copyright law.”"

… One legal issue here is obvious: the issue of “”fact-stripping robots”" and copyright infringement, which [the creators of the film] predict the Supreme Court will resolve in 2011.

Read the entire article here…

- That snippet from the column is a bit unwieldy as it is attempting to capture information that the author is relaying from a transcript to a movie. It will make much more sense if you read the entire column.


Tour dates for this shindig are available here. The new KIDS LIKE US disc, Outta Control, hits stores July 26th. CASEY JONES will be entering the studio this fall to record a new release. EMBRACE TODAY’s new release, We Are The Enemy hits stores July 21st on Deathwish Inc., a media player for the disc streaming a few songs can be found here.

State of Mind Posts NO ROSES Tune

Philly’s NO ROSES have a brand new, unmastered mp3 here, from their upcoming EP on State of Mind Recordings, called Hell or High Water. The song bears the same name as the EP. Two more songs are available from the band on their myspace page.

- Solid, fast, melodic hardcore… should make for a great EP!