WRENCH IN THE WORKS – “Decrease/Increase”

After a mostly underwhelming debut in Lost Art of Heaping Coal, progressive Connecticut metal/hardcore band WRENCH IN THE WORKS turn the tables with Decrease/Increase and find a groove that fits their vision. “Groove” is a particularly illuminating term as the band has built out their sound to match the heft of a band like TWELVE TRIBES, while scratching at the rawness of ZAO’s last outing, The Fear Is What Keeps Us Here. Whereas Lost Art felt like it was stuck in a continuous, bogged down rhythm, Decrease/Increase is fleet-footed and not afraid to go full-throttle in tempo. Sometimes the drumming is so quick that it seems like the rest of the band has yet to catch up. The loose invitation of chaos into the band’s music is more than welcome and CONVERGE is a solid comparison on songs like the opener “Vultures” and the slammin’ “Pocket Watch.” WRENCH IN THE WORKS’ more epic moments accentuate the band’s metal influence, and like labelmates WAR OF AGES, the group has a knack for sliding in quick, but tough breakdowns that do not overwhelm a song’s posture. I didn’t foresee much of an upside with this band after their debut, but I’m glad to have been proven wrong — Decrease/Increase is a noteworthy heavy release fairly early into the 2010 calendar year.
