For a disc that sounds this good, and has such stunning artwork, it’s a real shame that it’s only 11 minutes long. WITH HONOR play ridiculously fast old-school hardcore with a big-time guitar sound and loads of energy. If BANE was to be sped up one more turn on the dial, that would be a good reference point. Positive, uplifting, sing-along style lyrics rule this disc, and that’s really where WITH HONOR become more than just another hardcore band. The third track on here, “To Believe,” is almost like a sequel to BANE’s “Can We Start Again?” With lyrics that scream, “It’s all coming back in me / so here’s to sleepless nights and sing-alongs / to the new kids and the old ones / this is our night and our show / the love once shared, belittled and betrayed is not lost.” With only a few tracks on here to leave an impression, I’m clearly liking what I hear and hope that WITH HONOR can take the leap to dropping a full-length in their tenure.

