Pittsburgh’s WHITE WIVES might have the least helpful “members list” I can think of when it comes to musical influence (ANTI-FLAG and THE CODE, among others). ANTI-FLAG gone emo isn’t particularly encouraging, but the tag’s a quick one and points in the right direction. WHITE WIVES’ Situationist EP revolves around travel, loss and missing lovers, with a PIXIES cover thrown in. The dominant instrument isn’t the electric guitar, but an acoustic one. The electric guitar wrinkles slides and curls around the main drivers of the song, the drums and acoustic guitar. Think BRIGHT EYES playing the INTERNATIONAL NOISE CONSPIRACY songs that are about girls and you’re about there.

Situationist EP might be about radical politics at its core, but on the surface, there’s the obvious influence of distance and loss. Give it a listen. (Above photo by Christopher Lopes).


Situationist EP
Lock and Key Collective