THE SHOWDOWN – “Blood In The Gears”

Words never uttered by THE SHOWDOWN: “Let’s make a modest sounding record.” On their fourth full-length, Tennessee’s southern-tinged metal mashers continue with the belief in making records with some of the most gigantic sounding studio production available. Blood In The Gears starts with a sample of a rumbling motorcycle engine, and it is wildly apropos. More than ever, the band has homed in their on PANTERA willies, outdoing THROWDOWN’s attempt to rule the same sphere. Blood In The Gears is not repetitive of the band’s earlier efforts however. With the band’s membership a bit of a revolving door since the release of their 2008 effort Back Breaker, the new recording boasts the talents of two DEMON HUNTER members, including drummer Tim Watts (who did not join the band after the studio work), and guitarist Patrick Judge (and bassist Jeremiah Scott is new to the band as well, though he led a hand in producing some of the band’s initial recordings). While one won’t confuse THE SHOWDOWN with the more layered, deliberate sounds of DEMON HUNTER, the songwriting diversity on Blood In The Gears is new tack for the group and one for the better.  Tempos mostly run mid-to-fast, but they rarely stagnate, and burning guitar solos (in virtually every song) tastefully capture the listener’s attention. Vocalist David Burton has always been sufficient in his position, but he has yet to climb outside his comfort zone into some kind of unique band identifier, and Blood doesn’t change that. Fortunately, THE SHOWDOWN are a band that I’ve always appreciated first for their musicianship and songwriting talents, and then for what Burton brings to the table in holding things together. Hopefully these guys find the line-up stability to keep charging on, because after four full-lengths down, they’ve reached a new peak in their run.

Solid State