I’d just like to start off this review by saying that the name of this band is purely ridiculous. What the hell does THE ROCKING HORSE WINNER mean? I think this band would be much cooler sounding if it was named after their awesome vocalist, Jolie Lindholm. And another thing – what in the hell provoked EVR to put out adult-contemporary? The very fact that the epic ONE KING DOWN and this band are on the same label makes my head hurt. But I’ve got an open mind and an open heart, so I’ll let the emo pour in and marinate for a little while. “Horizon” is a sweet disc, chock full of smooth, mid-tempo rock songs, guided by Lindholm’s beautiful vocals. Some of you might remember her from such guest vocals with DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL. If you don’t remember her from those guest vocals, don’t worry, a giant sticker on the front cover will mention it to you. The production on this disc is fabulous, with the percussion sounding really fresh and the guitars taking on a perky tone. Most of “Horizon” is pretty upbeat and catchy, and as it goes along the lines of indie rock, it’s devoid of the usual uber-artistic trappings that make many of these bands come off as zombies. Although there’s not a weak moment to be found among the ten songs, the truely standout song, “Playing With Lights,” doesn’t show up until track nine. Rockin’ very much in the vein of JIMMY EAT WORLD’s “Bleed American” disc, there’s some strong punches of power-pop to be found. The artwork on this disc is gorgeous, but totally impersonal – which is a shame because “Horizon” overall gives off a very warm and charming feeling. THE ROCKING HORSE WINNER won’t cause heart palpitations from sheer force, but it may lodge a hook or two to the back of your ear. update: the name of the band is from a book, many thanks to all of the loyal readers who called me an idiot for not knowing such.

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