THE GAMITS “Endorsed By You”

Wow, Colorado has quite the killer band in these guys. I’d be foolish to say that THE GAMITS have an original sound, because, well, they don’t, but boy is their enthusiasm high…For some reason, their vocalist reminds me of both Billie Joe from GREEN DAY and Dan of ALKALINE TRIO at times, and their rhythm section has a range somewhere between SCHREECHING WEASEL and NOFX. Those are a lot of big names, but trust me, these guys live up to the expectations. Tightness is a apt word in describing this band’s strongest asset…and oh yeah, catchiness too. The twelve tracks on here have some crazy, mind-numbing hooks embedded in them…(except for the last song, that one’s an instrumental), and essentially, that is what distinguishes this band from the rest of the melodicore pack. I think the sweetest thing about “Endorsed By You,” is that no two consecutive songs have the same tempo…All of the tracks are pretty quick, but some just rip shit up, and others go for a much more melodic approach. The stunner on this disc though has to be, “All Wicked,” geeze that song smokes! The lyrics are personal and storylike, and that’s cool with me. Another thing worth mentioning is the quality of the production – sharp as a tack, without any of the extra filling that too many studios give bands. The feeling is raw, passionate, and with a ton of guitar burn. A rockin’ disc indeed…

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