THE BUSINESS “No Mercy For You”

To me, THE BUSINESS are like pro-athletes. Even when pro-athletes grow old and become hampered by injuries, they still retain enough skill to whoop the collective asses of virtually all those who come near. Michael Jordan, at age 75 will still probably play basketball better than the majority of most high-school players. And thus, one of the stalwarts of the punk and Oi scenes in England keep on trucking forward past many of their newer contemporaries. I’ve never really been a big fan of their street-punk sound but I’ve always admired their ability to write good, thoughtful songs that never bordered on being mundane. “No Mercy for You,” doesn’t quite set my blood boiling, nor does it get me jumping around the room, causing me to knock into things – the music just doesn’t have the requisite punch to do so. But unlike the aforementioned, “No Mercy For You,” takes you on a ride that gets you chanting along as if you were drinking a round with these guys at a local pub. Lyrically, it’s the same ol’ fare from these guys: working class themes (“Class Compromise,” “Ghetto Youth,”), anti-government diatribes, (“Belmarsh,” “Hate H.D.”) and odes t drinking (“Guiness Boys”). THE BUSINESS still have plenty left in them to carry the modern day torch of British Punk Rock. For you youngsters who are just getting into the DROPKICK MURPHYS, make sure you check out one of the originators of this street-punk sound.

Epitaph/Burning Heart