THE AUTUMN OFFERING “Revelations Of The Unsung”

There’s some cool stuff on this record by THE AUTUMN OFFERING. Revelations Of The Unsung is their latest release on Stillborn Records, and it’s definitely an entertaining one. This album would appeal more to the metal crowd than anything. It has lots of guitar noodling, with heavy riffs and vocals. It’s fast, but at times it’s faster than it actually seems. You just have to pay close attention to really recognize it. The vocals are top-notch for the style of music that’s being played. It is certainly something you can get into. There’s nothing in this album that totally screams out at you, but there’s enough aggression there to get you a little worked up. Like anything else that’s metal, you will nod your head or tap your foot. The band definitely seems focused more on single note riffs rather than power chord, chunky melodies, which works for them. These guys have a lot of promise, and unfortunately they’re placing themselves in a genre of music that will make them sound like every other band out there, no matter how cool their songs are. This may sound like a cookie cutter metal band, but they seem to be doing their own thing. The layout and cover art for the record isn’t anything special. In conclusion, this album was good enough to give it plenty of rotations, but I wouldn’t get too worked up over it. Good stuff, though.
