SPITAFIELD “The Cloak and Dagger EP”

Although “The Cloak and Dagger Club” is a pretty cool release, it’s also rather boring and stuffy, with each song pushing five minutes or more. These guys kinda remind me of a mix between SAVES THE DAY and “Something To Write Home About” era GET UP KIDS, minus the keyboards. I appreciate the sincerity this band conveys with their songwriting, and especially the earnestness that’s embedded in the lead vocals, but SPITAFIELD fail to carry a spark long enough to light my ears on fire. By way of comparison, these guys remind me of the kind of band that is started by a bunch of bored college kids who play local shows and parties on campus, where everyone in the crowd acknowledges that while the band has some degree of talent, no one’s really all that excited about becoming a true fan of their music. With the band’s next release coming out on the uber-indie Victory, I’m curious as to see how SPITALFIELD develop.

