ROCKY VOTOLATO “Suicide Machines”

This review has been long overdue. Rocky Votolato, known best for his songwriting role in WAXWING, has taken a new direction with his talents and put his effort into a solo project that I can only describe as stripped-down honesty. While many musicians opt for more electronics, gimmicks, and good looks, Votolato creates music that is simply real music. Every track off of “Suicide Machines” is bare, take it or leave it emotion channeled through an acoustic guitar, and a gem of an album that is a perfect listen in the A.M. hours. There’s nothing fancy here, and the strongest element throughout the album is space. Rather than putting in cheap filler such as computers or keyboard (not that they don’t have their rightful place with many artists), Votolato knows how to successfully leave space between certain notes or create a compelling pause amidst his scratchy, warm vocals. “Suicide Machines” makes me feel alive when I’m down, even if the lyrics themselves are depressing. Producer/engineer Chris Walla of DEATHCAB FOR CUTIE perfectly captured the realism of this album by, quite simply, not doing too much to it. “Suicide Machines” has such a natural feel to it and conveys images of someone making music to enjoy, not to perform and impress. Votolato isn’t a teenager pining away for his crush, but an experienced musician with a family who is writing music completely for himself, and we are just fortunate enough to have a chance to listen.

Second Nature Recordings