PREMONITIONS OF WAR “The True Face of Panic EP”

Much like UNEARTH’s four song EP, “Endless,” PREMONITIONS OF WAR’s seven song EP, “The True Face of Panic,” gets far more mileage in a short period of time than most bands can achieve during a career. Granted, these guys are certainly no UNEARTH, but still, this is some earth-shattering metalcore that shifts the scales of heaviness to a new ground without resorting to death-metal territory. Huge, crunchy guitars and throaty vocals define these guys while the drumming endlessly cuts away. Lyrically, PREMONITIONS are fairly minimalist in words, but they surely get their point across, as in the acerbic “Correspondences,” where the sole lines are, “I got your letter and I couldn’t disagree more / You’re not reborn, You’re regressed / Your God is a stepping stone to self righteousness / Not an understanding of Purpose / You can keep him and your letters.” In addition to be stunned by the power of this band, the imagery of the cover art, although basic as it appeals to the human attraction to fire, is well fitting to the aural destruction within. At only 18 minutes, I feel a tad slighted just wondering what a few more songs could have done into making this a proper full-length. Booya!
