PASSION “Sic Semper Tyrannis”

Intensity is a good word to describe Philadelphia’s PASSION. On their debut six song EP, this five piece culls together doses of modern metallic hardcore with elements of thrash, and somehow, the results reminds me of early HIMSA, and “We Are The Romans” era BOTCH. One thing that really wins me over about this release is how PASSION just refuses to box itself into any kind of songwriting pattern, or use breakdowns as a crutch. This degree of unpredictability allows the band to accentuate their unique moments with greater uhhh….passion. The third and fourth tunes on here comprise “Sic Semper Tyrannus’” most riveting section, especially the latter, which pulls off a MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD style sing-along/chant, along with thunderous guitar crunches. PASSION’s final weapon of choice comes from their lyrical attack, which seems to overflow with character, conviction and inspiration, promoting our opportunities to take advantage of life’s possibilities, and not wallow in tones of defeat. Who can argue against that? Impressive.

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