Michigan’s NATURAL DISASTERS are like a sugar-addled, hyperactive version of early RISE AGAINST. If Unraveling was played at 1.5 speed and channeled through an extra bit of snot and snark, this six song, 16 minute EP would be the result, and that’s plenty cool with me. The NATURAL DISASTERS have buckets of dual guitar bluster and their serious social/personal commentary backs up the roar, particularly on the religious skepticism in “Bitches Love The Dark Side,” and the societal frustration exhibited in the opener “We’ve Done It To Ourselves.” Three out of five members contribute vocals in some fashion on the EP, but it’s the undeniably strong midwestern pipes of Geoff Shafto that makes the biggest impression. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I swear I hear a good bit of 88 FINGERS LOUIS’ Denis Buckley in the well-controlled yet aggressive wail. Sharply protruding hooks aren’t out of the question either – the refrain of “LET IT RAIN! … LET IT POUR!” on the appropriated titled “Let It Rain” reminds me of a song from by THE DISTANCE, but the memorability is all the same. If there’s more music to come from these guys, I want to hear it, but for now, this perfectly sized EP will have to do.

Bermuda Mohawk Productions