LIGHT YEARS – “Just Between Us”

Ohio melodic hardcore band LIGHT YEARS delicately straddle their heavier influences and pop-punk desires on Just Between Us, a brand new five song EP that’s digitally paired up with their prior eight song release This Will Come Back to Haunt Me. There’s no screaming with LIGHT YEARS, just well sung lead vocals over bouncy, speedy songs in the vein of FASTBREAK, early TRANSIT, and a bit of SET YOUR GOALS. With this release featuring material recorded more than a year apart, it’s readily apparent how the band’s songwriting is evolving from straight-ahead, forbidden beat glory to more involved rhythms and vocal patterns (an exception being the dual male/female vocal tracking to the “World Burns Out” which is beautifully executed). LIGHT YEARS are just as at ease writing a 90 second burner like “Evidence” and  firing off with more composure on the three minute “Scavengers”. Another example of the band’s progress is less reliance on gang vocals as a crutch to get through a chorus. FOUR YEAR STRONG I think learned this lesson the hard way, going several releases before they were able to shake free from the blind spot, but LIGHT YEARS appear wise in letting waves of guitar fight for direction. Just Between Us’ even application of influences is its strength, capturing melodic hardcore in all its of energetic, fiery disposition.

*Release available as a 7″ with digital download, or digital format only.

Escapist Records