JUVENESCENT BEAT! “A Man Could Get Shot Around Here For Asking Questions Like That”

Woohoo! Now, this is what I like to hear… a bunch of young, well-read, brainy, suburban kids from Hanover, Pennsylvania, playing “Revolution Summer” style punk/post-hardcore, with an SAT word in their name. Not only do these guys call to mind RITES OF SPRING and EMBRACE on a surface-level musical comparison, but the vocal emotion, and lyrical sophistication live up to the mature, evocative billing. A Man Could Get Shot… is noisy, but well-structured, with a steady outflow of beats, and swirling guitars. The raw (yet readily listenable) lead vocals bite in all the right places, and are an emphatic sign of the band’s abilty to wreck basement rooms from show to show. An obvious vocal hook eludes the five songs on this debut EP, but JUVENESCENT BEAT will a sniff of memorability out of their songs through repetition and a dash of tensely screamed drama, which feels right at home. A Man Could Get Shot is developed and fresh enough to stand strong on its own, but its nostalgic musical bloodlines will overshadow and define the band, for better or worse.

