Bigger Cages, Longer Chains, is a six-song EP from these rambunctious Swedes, further proving that they have far more depth, dignity, and musical talent than any of the current “garage rock revolution” bands that the mainstream musical press has so dearly latched onto. Five of the songs on here are brand new, including a cover of N.E.R.D’s “Baby Doll,” which admittedly, I haven’t heard the original version, but T(I)NC’s version is very relaxing and stylish in a subdued atmosphere. As far as the other new material goes, the band seems to have tightened up a bit in their musical delivery, though that’s not to say that “Bigger Cages…” is all that polished of a release. The title track seems more mature than previous songwriting forays, especially as the band really lets each musical instrument shine in the recording – but it doesn’t take more than a few seconds into the second tune, “Beautiful So Alone,” before the familar controlled chaos takes over, and T(I)NC feels blessedly righteous again. I’m not sure why “Waiting For Salvation” was put on this EP, but it’s a strong song, so there’s no complaining out of me. If purchasing an EP is not your thing because the cost is usually high per amount of songs, the additional video footage on this disc is pretty enticing, including a clip from Noam Chomsky, and all four of the band’s music videos, which I might add, are rather excellent. Anyway, I suppose this disc will probably be appreciated by previous fans of the band, but for those who are still new to the musical wonders of THE (INTERNATIONAL) CONSPIRACY, I recommend checking the band’s two other Epitaph releases, “Survial Sickness,” and “A New Morning, Changing Weather.”

Burning Heart/Epitaph