FIN FANG FOOM “With The Gift Comes The Curse”

I’m not even sure how to describe FIN FANG FOOM in any other way besides “piano driven indie-rock with an emphasis over instrumention rather than vocals.” If darkness has a pleasant side, these guys know how to capture it. However, one should not get the wrong idea – FIN FANG FOOM is no slouch when it comes to power – the band just chooses to use it in a nearly-muted fashion that works within tensions. Mopey and sullen, these guys remind me of PEDRO THE LION, but only with an entire backing band. “With the Gift Comes The Curse” isn’t so much a release of nine separate songs, but more like a composition of music that would fit a cross-country drive. For me, the standout on here is the fifth track, “How to Make a Monster,” which features the band kicking up the tempo and bringing in a strong math-rock influence. With only sporatic vocals, I would hesitate to call this engaging music, since it looms largely in the background, but when listened to intently and without nearby distraction, FIN FANG FOOM have a very focused charm that’s not hard to get swept up in.
