FALL SILENT “Six Years In The Desert”

Here’s a band that I’ve heard much about in the past few years but I’ve never gotten around to checking out. I know they had a bunch of releases, but nothing that really ever came my way. Thankfully, Rev signed these guys and put out just about all their prior stuff into this handy hour long plus compendium of ear shattering mayhem. FALL SILENT play an extremely heavy and fast brand hardcore that leans towards the powerviolence side of things – maybe even a little death metal too. Eeeegads it’s fast. And at the same time, it’s energetic, frenetic and downright hectic. Bursts of speed and breakdowns litter the disc, never quite knowing what is to come next. Just when the tide seems to subside, another throat ripper is released from the gates. As with most of these single band compilations, the early material comes first. Featured on the first four or so tracks is a very raw sound, not unlike some early 80s crossover thrash. The singer shares a lot of similarities in sound to that of the singer of SHUTDOWN, and a bit of that BROTHER’S KEEPER style twang. It’s not as bad as that might sound though, and the dude has a pretty wide range. As the disc progresses, the songs get a long longer and more complex, some hitting the 5 minute mark, which can be a bit much to handle. There’s also some pretty great covers on here, including, “No Values,” “Clenched Fist, Closed Mind,” and the all too funny, “Heartbreaker.” I’m pretty surprised Rev put this out because it’s definitely on the grittier side of hardcore, but it’s still a damn good release. Not for the faint of heart however…

