DISTRICT 7 “Another Last Chance”

I saw these guys for the first time at the punkrocks.net stage at the Warped Tour this year and I picked up their disc after being incredibly impressed. “Another Last Chance” totally lived up to the expectations that were set by their live show, and this is a rather exhilirating melodic hardcore ride from a sound that just seem to be done this well as before. DISTRICT 7 attack with two tremendous strengths – clear, strong vocals, and vibrant, shredding guitars with the plenty of crunch. Much like early PENNYWISE and Canada’s imfamous, TRIGGERHAPPY, there’s a ton of burn and urgency slopped all over DISTRICT 7′s sound, and angry, gutsy, personal lyrics torment through the storm. I’m very impressed with how these guys handle their socio-political commentary as it’s done in that upfront, but not in-your-face way that can become prone to sloganeering and such. “Man vs. Machine,” and “Human Virus” speak from the heart, and the subject matters match the hyperactive energy. Through the 30+ minutes of solid musicianship, my foot never stopped tapping, and there was easily an average yield of “wow, this rocks” at least three times per listen. If you have a hunger for that old Epitaph Records sound, when melodic hardcore, and not this emo-pop bullshit ruled the underground, DISTRICT 7 have plenty to offer.

Lameass Recordz
