Massachusetts’ DEFIANT HEARTS are a hardcore band that straddles the line of “old-school” territory, but never walks through the door. Caught up in a mix of melodic racing guitars, aggressive percussion, and dramatic lead vocals, the band rises far above the rehash that most modern hardcore has become. The frame around DEFIANT HEARTS’ press is that they’ve drawn the power of emo cornerstones RITES OF SPRING and EMBRACE into their sound, but I think that’s mostly wishful thinking. Rather, the group has more in common with bands like HAVE HEART, BETWEEN THE WARS, and even a little bit of (a gruffer) REACH THE SKY, despite the occasional “flowery” guitar lick. The slight peppering of metal into the band’s music is tasteful and sparse, with a raw sense of urgency. DEFIANT HEARTS’ forgo mosh-part-madness and prefer to keep their songs ambling about. Like trying to grab hold of a slippery fish, the band twists through tempos and verses often, and with little convention. This allows Arlington to remain fresh for its entire 32 minute duration (and the RITES OF SPRING cover of “For Want Of” at the end is pretty choice). Arlington just barely snuck into the release schedule for 2007, but I won’t be surprised one bit if this release is buzzin’ for all of 2008.

6131 Records