DEAD TO FALL “Everything I Touch Falls To Pieces”

Yowzers! This is some waaaay brutal metalcore influenced heavily by a European guitar sound and some insane SLAYEResque drumming. DEAD TO FALL bash heads and bones apart with the their thick-footed music, tossing in plenty of timing changes and growling vocals. For the most part, “Everything I Touch Falls To Pieces” is a well-paced, swiftly moving release, however, the band tends to obsess on trying to create the most epic of mosh parts, sometimes leaving a few tunes sounding their “chugga-chugging” out of gas. Without a doubt, DEAD TO FALL are working with that theme of mortality, against almost to a fault though as the quality of the lyrics suffer from substandard phrasing, and elementary pokes at evil. It’s kinda hard to sound convincingly tough and serious while barking, “the gates of hell open up for me / and as far as my eyes could see / in carnage / your demise.” Blech. It gets worse with “Words Ignorant,” with the lines, “this pen would go to better use / if I shoved into your throat / and let you choke on / your blood filled breaths.” Somehow, I’m not quite intimdated. So in quick synopsis – music good, lyrics bad. AGE OF RUIN do this style a heck of a lot better.
