CRIMSON SWEET “Livin’ In Strut”

Livin’ In Strut is composed of some really basic garage tunes that fall flat musically, and only scrape by the sharp vocals of “Polly Watson.” In fact, Watson, seems to be the only talented person in this band since she plays guitar as well. The drumming on here kills me – it’s practically the same friggin’ beat for all 35 minutes! And it’s not even an interesting beat! Inherently, for the sound this band is going for, there’s nothing specifically wrong, minus the fact that it just sounds awfully inspired. I guess that is something that’s specifically wrong. Oh well. If this band ever got into a fight with THE DISTILLERS, I imagine this three-piece would probably require a lot of gauze. Ms. Watson, you have an endearing “rock” voice, and your guitar playing on here is moving, but nothing to get riled over. Your backing band seems to have been preoccupied with something else while in the studio. I hope your live show is your selling point.

On/On Switch