CRASH ROMEO “Minutes to Miles”

Every year there’s a number of releases that come out on “reputable” labels that simply make me scratch my head in wonder. Sadly, this isn’t the kind of wonder that stokes the passions of being an absolute music nerd. Rather, this is the kind of wonder that follows with the question “How on earth did this band get signed?!?” CRASH ROMEO are akin to that 7’3″ European basketball player who somehow makes it into the second round of the NBA draft but has the same set of basketball skills as a 93 old shoe cobbler from Nepal. Sure, CRASH ROMEO can play their brand of mildly hooky pop-emo-punk crapola with an inkling of competence, but their vocalist is about as engaging and polished as a twice-ranover raccoon. To be fair, CRASH ROMEO have plenty of songwriting potential in them, and Minutes to Miles isn’t entirely devoid of enjoyable moments, but as long as lead singer Travis Weber sounds like an elementary school chorus club drop out, CRASH ROMEO comes off more like a bad joke than a legitimate band.
