BROADCAST SEA “Wounded Solider”

Painfully heavy and slightly disorienting, Wounded Soldier is a pretty brutal rock record from Texas’ BROADCAST SEA. While the band is definitely influenced by traditional hardcore, they take it to a more frenzied level that seems to parallel that of THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES. The major difference between the bands, however, is that the fellas in the ‘SEA do not have quite as abrasive guitar licks or vocals. “Turning Heads,” the fifth track, is a nice example of this because it begins with a clean-sounding intro before leading into a slightly more harmful verse, but they never quite get to that level of harshness one might expect. Instead – and especially in the aforementioned song – the band works with more haunting, methodical structures that require more patience, but they also deliver. Vocalist Sterling Cash rounds out the band’s musical foundation with a set of manly yet throaty pipes and somewhat grim lyrics revolving around war and the effects war has on veterans and families. Because of the nature of BROADCAST SEA’s music, Wounded Soldier likely will not grab you on the first listen, but similar to other heavy and groovalicious post-hardcore bands, repeated listens will surely bring out the best of the hidden qualities.
