BRAND NEW “Your Favorite Weapon”

This disc is awesome. Aftering seeing BRAND NEW for the first time just a few weeks ago, I was very much curious to see what their debut full length would sound like, and I am more than impressed. Although they’ve been branded as “cute” in their bio, and other assorted emo-pop-punk references make prominent appearances, BRAND NEW rule because they carry a much more brash, stripped down attitude. “Your Favorite Weapon,” has the catchiness of all of pop-punk’s big names, but it stands out from the pack with fantastic production that chooses not to go the route of total glossiness and shiny pink curtains. It’s the songs that sell themselves here and that’s apparent from the start. “Last Chance to Lose Your Keys,” plants itself in your head almost instantaneously, and I’ve pretty much given up on trying to get that song out of my head – partly because I like it so much and partly because it’s that strong. Armed with a massive “everybody singing” attack, BRAND NEW are full of differential styles and approaches – from straight up WEEZER worship (“Failure by Design”), to acoustic sing along, and back to the sweet pop-punk that sounds so strong, BRAND NEW are hard to keep tabs on. Upon first listen, it was a pleasure to deal with such unpredictability. I wish more bands had the guts to deviate into different styles and feel confident about it. Lyrically, I love the charm BRAND NEW has – honest, funny, dorky, and realistic. There are no contrived emotions or concocted displays of exaggerated feelings. For those looking for a reference, I trace a bit of harder MOVIELIFE, and of course, NEW FOUND GLORY, but really, this seems at the forefront of passionate punk rock, and it has more momentum than a 20 foot tidal wave. Jump on the bandwagon kiddies, this one might propell ahead at warp speed!

Triple Crown