BLACK MY HEART “Before the Devil”

Descriptions like “bludgeoning,” “crushing,” and “brutal,” are tossed around like baseline formalities with many hardcore bands, but really, BLACK MY HEART just sorta scream “stabbing!” Hailing from Boston, this straight-edge five-piece carves out their own niche of mosh-intensive jams with slashing guitars and battering bass bombs. Complex musicianship isn’t exactly on the agenda with Before the Devil, but BLACK MY HEART mix things up with shifting tempos, versatile breakdowns, and standout gang-vocals – all things that keep you attuned to the music throughout. “My Way,” the third track, is a powder-keg of double-bass driven destruction, lead by a mean streak that proudly declares, “I am who I am and that’s all that I am.” Thematically, BLACK MY HEART runs through typical themes of vengenance and “having the backs of friends,” but there’s also something more coming through to the surface, keyed to feelings of neglect and of growing up in broken homes. Both, “We Weren’t Brought Up Right,” and “Remember Me?” sit behind this makeshift emotional curtain, and while vocalist Wheeler sheds some light on these touchy subject matters, it still feels like these songs are holding back. Bottom line: Before the Devil hits hard, and you know these guys aren’t just going through the motions. If you miss the sounds of THROWDOWN’s first full-length, Beyond Repair, then BLACK MY HEART have a treat for you!
