“American Hardcore” For Fans After 1986

A new book titled “Burning Fight” will be released on Revelation records. The work of non-fiction chronicles hardcore of the nineties. It took six years and over 150 interviews for writer Brian Peterson to write “Burning Fight.” Some of the bands featured include: CAVE IN COALESCE TEXAS IS THE REASON AVAIL UNBROKEN EARTH CRISIS This is what the the author’s website has to say about the book: “For the past six years I have been assembling a book about the nineties hardcore music scene called Burning Fight: The Nineties Hardcore Revolution in Ethics, Politics, Spirit, and Sound. While Steven Blush’s American Hardcore was an excellent examination of the pioneers of the hardcore punk movement, after reading his book one gets the impression that hardcore died in 1986. Although that particular era of hardcore may have ended in 1986, an influx of new bands took the genre to new places, the story of which shall be told in Burning Fight.” Sounds good to me. “Burning Fight” will be ready for sale May 7th. If you want to know more, head on over to the Chicago Tribune to read an article about the book. – Both Revhq.com and Amazon are taking pre-orders for the book. I will be posting a review of this once my order comes in! – Jordan


THE THERMALS play distorted, guitar-heavy rock like it’s the mid nineties. Hailing from Portland, Oregon, THE THERMALS are loud like GREEN DAY and quirky like THE PIXIES, Now We Can See features 11 tracks of minimalist-punk influenced pop-rock that falls somewhere in-between annoying and charming. While other Portland acts are growing in frivolous complexity, trying [...]

Warped Tour Goes Country?

Well, sort-of. The father of Warped Tour Kevin Lyman has plans for the model that made him rich and famous. But this time round, audience members will likely sport Wranglers and button-up’s, as opposed to shaggy-hair and eye-liner. Lyman has put some major work into a tour that would mimic Warped Tour’s business model: cheap tickets, lot’s of bands, and a plethora of eager sponsors. But instead of a punk-centric tour, this one’s for the country music fans, forcing kids of a different demographic to pay absurd amounts for a bottle of water. You can check out the article on Billboard.com here.


And no surprise…it totally rocks. The song is called “I Want to Know You,” and will be on their new album titled Farm. Look forward to that release on June 23rd. Check out that song here. Be careful. This shit’s loud.


I remember seeing CURSIVE with FROM AUTUMN TO ASHES and THURSDAY back in 2002. I was confused by their performance. Very confused. My high-school mind half-assedly attempted to process their noisy, art-rock and big word using lyricist Tim Kasher. As they say, the band was lost on deaf ears, more pumped on massive breakdowns, and [...]

Birds can dance and front metal bands?

According to a recent NPR report, as well as a viral youtube video, humans are not the only animal that can keep a beat. The article centers on a jiving cockatoo with a predisposition to the BACKSTREET BOYS. Here’s a video of Snowball doing his thing: I wonder what would happen if you put some HATEBREED on the stereo for Snowball? The answer to that question comes from a parrot named Waldo, who is also the lead-screecher in the grind-core project HATEBEAK. And yes, it’s really a parrot-led metal band. Check out their bad-ass promo photo: I wouldn’t want to run into that guy in a dark alley with a pocket full of sunflower seeds. You can check out the NPR article here, and for more information on HATEBEAK, look no further than parrot chronicles.com.


A few years back, a good friend made me a mix-tape containing an APPLESEED CAST track. At the time, I was knee-deep in swoon for bands like THE GET UP KIDS and MINERAL, and THE APPLESEED CAST’s youthful, messy take on post-hardcore was just what my twenty-year-old ears desired. Their eighth studio album, titled Sagarmatha, [...]

THE DECEMBERISTS “Hazards of Love”

In 2006, THE DECEMBERISTS released The Crane Wife. It was a beefy, radio-friendly indie-rock record, and a stark contrast to the band’s past work, which reveled in acoustic beauty and singer Colin Meloy’s rich story telling abilities. Hazards of Love takes the Portland band further away from their humble folk beginnings, sonically and lyrically. THE [...]