Mark’s Best of 2006

There was much talk amongst the Pastepunk crew of methodology and things of that nature when it came time to constructing our Best of 2006 lists. People talked about Excel spreadsheets and breaking down how much they enjoyed each song and then numerically rating each album. I on the other hand chose to take a [...]


So you know that whole ‘Forget Obama, Polyvinyl in ‘08′ that I wrote in the HEADLIGHTS Some Racing, Some Stopping review? That wasn’t just because I find Hillary to be unlikable or think that Obama lacks original ideas, its because I’d also been listening to Pershing. Both albums came out on Polyvinyl and make me [...]

HEADLIGHTS “Some Racing, Some Stopping”

It’s really kind of sad that indie rock bands need to have some sort of art-fucky gimmick to get over these days because it means that bands like HEADLIGHTS needlessly fall to the wayside. On Some Racing, Some Stopping the former Champaign, IL trio bulk up to a five piece (including one member on permanent [...]


Although their tenure has been brief, THE MODERN DAY SAINT is a band that has been through a lot. Some of the trials and tribulations are typical of any band; others are not. Their debut full length, …And Tomorrow We Will Have Nothing has been in the can for over two years, but is only [...]


From his ska punk beginnings in THE WUNDER YEARS to the post-hardcore band THE GHOST, Brian Moss has demonstrated an innate ability step into a genre and make it his own. Moss’s newest band, HANALEI, may be the quietest to date, but their new album Parts & Accessories might also be his ticket out of [...]

AMBITIONS “Stranger”

I finally discovered the rowing machine after three years of off again on again gym attendance. It appeals to my brutish inner meathead while accomplishing everything a cardio machine should. The keys to having a good session are still the same as any other cardio machine, lots of water and solid energetic music. The gym [...]

FAR FROM FINISHED “Living In The Fallout”

Boston has a solid lineage of bands that remain loyal to the raw aesthetic of punk’s origin. On Living In The Fallout, FAR FROM FINISHED continues to carry this torch, but marries the aesthetic with a modern production style seldom heard on similar albums. Their decision to avoid the highly stylized lo-fi sound sets FAR [...]


While I’ve never called myself a fan, I’ve always enjoyed a song or two on each STARTING LINE album. “Best of Me” still stands out as one of my all time favorite mall punk songs and you have to give a certain amount of credit to a band that can utter a chorus like “I’m [...]