ASHERAH “Boutros Makes the Bed”

Sheer brutality folks! Unbridled, unfiltered, unrestrained brutality. ASHERAH play booming metalcore with stompfest breakdowns, double-bass pummellings, and scorching, growled vocals. Everything about this six song EP is top-notch, right down the stellar artwork, and damn creepy set of eyes that stares at you on the back of the cd case. Crunchy, fluid production gives ASHERAH a very professional feeling, but something that isn’t so sterile as to refute its hardcore upbringing. There’s no trace of the Swedish metal sound with these guys, and while I’m ambivalent about that sound either way, it’s at least at sign that these guys aren’t jumping headfirst into trends. Anyway, ASHERAH deliver with a punch on “Boutros Makes The Bed” and I encourage any metalcore fan to check them out.
