Archive for February, 2009


I don’t know how to describe this disc in a way that makes sense, but I like it. A lot. Enough to justify the $20 pricetag for the vinyl. The more I think it, it’s hard to imagine a better complementary pairing of bands. Both New Jersey’s THURSDAY and Japan’s ENVY dig deep into their [...]

Warner vs. Guitar Hero and Rock Band

There is an interesting article on about Warner music’s beef with popular platform games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band. According to the article, Warner Music Group’s CEO believes his company is not being properly reimbursed for the use of their songs, especially considering the game rakes in mountains of money. Apparently, in response the the criticism, the makers of Rock Band will be boycotting Warner Music Group in the future. The writer argues that Warner is in no position to bargain with the massively popular music video game makers, and has put itself in a lose-lose situation. This quote came straight from the article: “But there’s better money to be made by playing together. Music games are proven earners—Aerosmith has reportedly earned more from Guitar Hero : Aerosmith than from any single album in the band’s history. The labels ought to push for more such titles and integrate them into their promotional strategies. They might not maximize profit on the licensing, but who cares? With more entries to come in the play-along genre, and networked hardware to play them on, the games themselves could even become an online music retail channel to rival iTunes” Is this another example of a mainstream music company ignoring a great business opportunity due to petty fee haggling, or does the record company have a point? You can check out the entire article here.

Get Your Red Baseball Caps Out Kiddies…

Cause LIMP BIZKIT’S back for more! The macho, rap-metal composers released such notable album titles as Chocolate Star Fish and Hot Dog Flavored Water. The fact that no one has any idea what that means surely is an indication it’s genius. Guitarist Wes Borland and Fred Durst released this joint statement, explaining why they’re returning to the music scene: “We decided we were more disgusted and bored with the state of heavy popular music than we were with each other. Regardless of where our separate paths have taken us, we recognize there is a powerful and unique energy with this particular group of people we have not found anywhere else. This is why Limp Bizkit is back.” Look out NICKLEBACK – the BIZKIT is gunning for their piece of “The Nookie.” Here are five things all you kids should bring to a LIMP BIZKIT concert, when they arrive in an arena near you: 1. Forget the red baseball cap. The United States economy is in decline. So Bring a baseball bat, and use the band’s aggressive diddy “Break stuff” as an excuse to eliminate a few BIZKIT fans, there-by freeing up a few jobs! 2. On second thought, don’t bring a baseball bat. The fans probably don’t have jobs anyway. 3. Bring a dead chicken in a backpack, if you can get it past security. Many people mistakenly believe that only the macho rule the mosh pits. Not true. If you jump into the center of the battle, and raise that carcass in the air, those Hurley sporting weight lifters will be running to their hot girl friends, leaving all of the respect and glory to you. 4. But they have hot girl friends, and now all you have is a dead chicken and some respect. On second thought, leave the chicken and just dress really nice in a nice suit, and then hit on the tough-guy’s girlfriends while their slamming each other around in the pit. 5. Finally, the most important thing to bring to a LIMP BIZKIT concert is headphones so you can listen to something else while you’re there. – Cheap shots aside, who, exactly, is the target audience for this? I don’t think time has been particularly kind to the LIMP BIZKIT discography, so the broader question in my mind is: Hasn’t the initial fanbase grown up and disavowed almost everything they ever had to do with the BIZKIT? The next question, of course, is why am I wasting my breath on this band’s reunion? James

THE DOWN & OUTS “Friday Nights, Monday Mornings”

The UK’s DOWN & OUTS are a finely tuned melodic punk band with street, pop, and Oi! characteristics, not unlike THE EXPLOSION or any number of bands on the TKO Records roster (like THE FORGOTTEN). Its latest full-length, Friday Nights, Monday Mornings is a take-no-chances cocktail of 12 mid-to-fast paced songs with memorable, shout-along choruses [...]

Release of the Day: P.O.S.-Never Better

After reading Aubin’s review of the disc, I gave the Minneapolis hip hop artist’s record a try and it’s a very moody, intense disc, unlike punk rock, but so close to it in spirit that the venom and power is instantly familiar. It namedrops End Hits FUGAZI and has Jason Shevuck from NONE MORE BLACK and LAGRECIA on a chorus, but even without those, the disc stands and bellows on it’s own. Link: Full album stream on MySpace.


I’ve listened to DILLINGER FOUR’s highly anticipated new album C I V I L W A R a lot in the last week. I’ve listened to it right before bed, first thing in the morning, on a stereo, through headphones, sober, drunk, and, if I had a car, I would’ve listened to it while driving [...]

TSOL Interview Posted

The interview I did with punk icon Jack Grisham from the influential 80′s band TSOL is up for viewing. You can check out Grisham’s views on the current punk scene, marrying an underage girl, and side-swiping a stop sign with a giant bus here.

Sweet Hair and Dance Moves

Yahoo music is streaming a new video from PETER BJORN AND JOHN. The carefree vibe is the exact opposite of the tortured LEONARD COHEN post below. The song is called “Nothing to Worry About,” and even if you don’t dig the band’s music, you should check it out just for the video’s abounding massive hair doo’s. Seriously impressive. Must be a nightmare trying to turn around on a crowded bus sporting that monstrosity. Any one else think the singer sounds a lot like JOHN LENNON in this song?