Archive for November, 2002


Damn this is some heavy music! From the ashes of HARVEST (3 members), EXTINCTION, and PIECEMEAL, sprung the HOPE CONSPIRACY, who bust out 10 tracks of metallic hardcore with melodic overtones. Knowing that 60% of the band came from an awesomely talented hardcore band, I knew that the music would be pretty strong on this, [...]


You can't use a word like "destroy" when you're always cheating!<Br><br>

And considering that my bowling score was less than one half of my personal best, I'd dare say you lost to my "D+" game.

Oh, so that's how it's going to be?

Backgammon Kevin? Hmmm…sounds like you're just getting tired of me destroying you in chinese checkers!

<br><br>As for bowling – I confess, I did not bring my "A-game."


Rule of Perpetuity?!? Can I get a what? what?

HOODS “Time…The Destroyer”

I just read in a recent interview with this band in Breakoutmag Zine that they would proud of their landing on Victory as a result of all their hard work and dedication over the years. I truly admire respect like that as it seems too many bands these days expect everything handed to them from [...]

I See Your Random and Raise You Ten

1) Final score from bowling: Kevin 126, Jordan 120. HA! Leon should be ashamed…… that's right, I went there.<br>

2) Some people should just shut up and listen to music, and not write a single word about it.<br>

3) The Hives suck ass.<br>

4) <a href="" target="_blank">First Aid Kit</a> on the other hand do not.<br>

5) The aforementioned group Attracted To Miss should rename themselves Attracted To Tami.<br>

6) Aaron Feibus is a funny man.<br>

7) And his <a href="" target="_blank">band</a> isn't so bad either.<br>

8) Random thought number eight<br>

9) Chances of a hangover in the morning: good to excellent.<br>

10) Jordan, I'm going to be bored tomorrow. I'm coming over and bringing the Backgammon board.

Random Bits

GLASSEATER and KEEPSAKE are going out on tour together – definitely check out GLASSEATER, and make sure you bring some rotten fruit to toss at KEEPSAKE (hee hee). Tour dates are up at


The new RAISED FIST – "Dedication" is out on Tuesday, 11/26 – make sure you pick that up! It rock muchith.


ATTRACTED TO MISS are a pop-punk band from New Jersey, who have a terffic debut disc out now called "In my younger and more vulnerable years." It's out on a tiny label called Pumpkin Eater Records – I highly recommend as this band actually plays with <i>urgency</i> instead of spending more effort on their hair.


New pastepunk shirts are coming, woo!

H20 “Go”

Armed and loaded with their fourth studio full-length, H20 have set their laser site on conquering the world. Well actually, I think H20′s been trying to do that from the start, but with “Go,” there is no better time for these guys to just blow up. As expected, this album is slightly more melodic than [...]

We're an inspiration…

Check out Euphonic Zine's new feature story on "Women in Punk Rock." They credit Pastepunk and as inspiring the debate style format for their piece that we used for the ever-popular "Shut Up Already." Although the fine people at Euphonic tend to take their discussion a tad more seriously than we do (well…maybe not, one of their topics includes pontifications about New Found Glory…), it's a pretty good read. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>